Hillary went to Yale's law school after graduating from her previous school, she had to take out many student loans and used her full scholarship from her previous school given to her so she could have the opprotunity to go to graduate school. When she was at yale many opprotunities were put out infront of her but she chose to help out her freind who had started a investagation sort of thing into the lives of migrants. Hilary took this job even though she was secifically told she was not going to get paid (Hillary was in desperate need of money to pay off her school lones). Hillary was assined to study and talk to the children of the migrant workers. She has some previous experience of this when her and some freinds were younger they babysat for the migrant workers children. Hillary remembered when she was babysitting this one young girl that her and her family were going to return to mexico so she could get confirmed, but they may of had to stay longer because they needed to work to get enough money to buy her a white dress so she could get confirmed. Hillary then went home and told her mother about this girl and her troubles, then her mother took hillary and bought a very nice white dress for the litte girl so she could go back and get confirmed on time. Hillary did her job very well and continued it for a long time.
Hillary first saw bill when he had just arrived at yale after spending 2 years at oxford. She noticed him alot in his first few days back, she also noticed how he stared at her every time he saw her. At the time she had a boy freind but she still went for Bill. They were formally introduced when hillary saw him looking at her in the library she decided to go up to him and introduce herself. She was in love with him from that moment on. Hillary broke up with her boy for him. She liked how Bill wanted to get to know the real her. When they graduated from yale he got many opprotunities to go places and help out with political campaighns and stuff but since he didnt want to loose Hillary he followed her to California. They got a realy small messed up appartment that was like falling appart. They had to stuff the walls with newspaper so that wind couldent go in. After that they moved back to new heaven and continued their life there for the time being. I think its realy sweet that bill loved hillary so much that he was willing to give up so many opprotunities just so he could be with her. Also i think its a good thing hillary left her previous boyfreind for bill. Its realy nice that hillary was willing to give up her chance of making money to pay off her debts just so she could do somthing she loved to do and help out a freind this shows how kind and generous she realy is and how she would put others infront of her own needs any day. She is a very kinde positive person.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
All My Sons
In the play All My Sons most of the characters in the play decide that family needs come before the needs of the society. Many of the characters take risks just to get their families ahead. Joe Keller wen as far as sending cracked plane parts to the military. This caused 21 deaths and his partner in the business was accused of murder so was joe but of course he got away with it by lying and getting his wife to go along with his lies. This business made him alot of money, but many people got hurt while he was making his fortune.
I think its wrong to hurt so many people just to get ahead and make money, but in some ways what Joe did was right because he did it to help his family and give them what they want. This in a way is very noble. But all the people that died because of Joe's need for money is terrible so many deaths could of been prevented if joe had just put others ahead of his own needs. If he had considered the soldiers safty over his need for money no one would of died because of defective planes, and Joe could of started over and not have so many deaths on his chest.
I think its wrong to hurt so many people just to get ahead and make money, but in some ways what Joe did was right because he did it to help his family and give them what they want. This in a way is very noble. But all the people that died because of Joe's need for money is terrible so many deaths could of been prevented if joe had just put others ahead of his own needs. If he had considered the soldiers safty over his need for money no one would of died because of defective planes, and Joe could of started over and not have so many deaths on his chest.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Hillary Clintons Colege life
In the part of the book i just read Hillary tells about her experiences of going to Wellesley which is a all girls colege. She went their with her fathers political beliefs and her mothers strenth. During her first year there she made many freinds. Theese freindships apparently continued so far throughout her life which is very good. Most of her freinds majored in art. Hillary was involved in many clubs and activities. She was the presedent of the Republican party supporters group at her colege, but when her political views changed from Republican to more liberal she stepped down as the president and her vice president took over with her boyfreind. Hillary also applied for a program internship in washington this program was all about how the government worked. Due to her fathers request that she continue her republican views she ended up reporting to a group of people headed by the minority leader Gerald ford. She got to pose for many photoes with the congress people. Her father realy appretiated theese photos especially the one with president ford. Also she tells about the part when her colege becomes segragated and she realizes that she is just like the african americans exept for the colors of their skin.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hillary C !!!!!! :)
The book I'm reading is called Living History by Hillary Clinton. So far in this book i have read about her interesting family history. I learned that her parents were just a normal middle class family living in Chicago. Her mom Dorothy was born in Chicago in 1919 her father was a firefighter and her mother was a housewife. Dorothy's mother Della abandond Dorothy when she was 2-3 years old sending her to California to live with her grandparents who were crazy. Dorothy's Grandfather left her with her grandma who didn't let her do anything like hang out with friends or even go out. One time when Dorothy was caught trick-or-treating with some of her school freinds she was locked up in her room for a whole year not allowed to do anything but go to school. She wasn't even allowed to eat in the kitchen she had to stay by herself in her room. This was stopped by Emma's sister when she came to visit them one time. Dorothy stayed in California for ten years never seeing or hearing from her mother and father. Dorothy could no longer stand to live with Emma so she found a job as a live in babysitter and only had to pay 3 dollars a week for room and board as long as she helped out. When Dorothy graduated from high school she made plans to go to college in California. Della randomly spoke to her for the first time in 10 years asking her to go to Chicago and now that she had been remarried her new housband would pay for Dorothy to go to college in Chicago. This was a lie just to get Dorothy to help around the house. Dorothy got a job and a small apartment and payed for her own college. Later on in Dorothys life in Chicago she would meet her future housband (Hillarys father Hugh Rodham).
Hugh had a much simpler life then Dorothy. He grew up with both of his parents Hannah and Hugh Sr. Hannah was a very stubborn person. When Hillary's dad Hugh had hitched a ride on a horse drawn cart and a tractor hit into it crushing his legs she quickly rushed over to the hospital and when she found out that he was going to have his legs amputated she refused to let them do that. She rushed into the opperating room and forced them to call her brother in law. This saved Hughs legs and he thanks his Hannah for this. Hugh had an older and a younger brother. Russel the younger brother stayed with Hillary and her family for some time after Hugh found him trying to hang himself in his parents attic. Russel later died in a fire caused by a cigarette. Hugh later got a job selling drapery fabrics around the midwest. When Dorothy, Hillary's mother, was applying for a job as a clerk typist at a textile company she met Hugh and they later got married. Hillary is one of three kids she has 2 brothers. Her child hood was very interesting. Her father taught them to be very careful with their money and not waste things. Apparently, to this day Hillary still saves uneaten olives by putting them back in the jar and even saves the very small pieces of cheese. Hillary supported the Cubs and when the White Sox came around the Yankees became her back up team. She was a girl scout and made many community projects to raise money for various things. She also had jobs throughout the summer and the school year. One summer she worked as a supervisor in a local park a few miles away from her house. Since her father left for work before she did she was forced to pull a cart with all the equiptment (bats,balls,gloves etc...) all the way to the park back and forth every day. Her father drilled her and made her learn how to do things herself even if it meant waking up a few hours before school so he could quiz her on the test material. Even though he was strict he always meant well. Hillary also learned how to stick up for herself but suprisingly not by her father. Her mother taught her this after noticing how Hillary would run inside crying quickly after first going outside to play. Her mother said to her "Go back out there and if Suzy hits you, you have my premission to hit her back". I guess Hillary did this because moments later she came inside saying "i can play with the boys now and Suzy will be my freind!". Hillary's childhood started her life out in a very positive way due to her encouraging parents.
Hugh had a much simpler life then Dorothy. He grew up with both of his parents Hannah and Hugh Sr. Hannah was a very stubborn person. When Hillary's dad Hugh had hitched a ride on a horse drawn cart and a tractor hit into it crushing his legs she quickly rushed over to the hospital and when she found out that he was going to have his legs amputated she refused to let them do that. She rushed into the opperating room and forced them to call her brother in law. This saved Hughs legs and he thanks his Hannah for this. Hugh had an older and a younger brother. Russel the younger brother stayed with Hillary and her family for some time after Hugh found him trying to hang himself in his parents attic. Russel later died in a fire caused by a cigarette. Hugh later got a job selling drapery fabrics around the midwest. When Dorothy, Hillary's mother, was applying for a job as a clerk typist at a textile company she met Hugh and they later got married. Hillary is one of three kids she has 2 brothers. Her child hood was very interesting. Her father taught them to be very careful with their money and not waste things. Apparently, to this day Hillary still saves uneaten olives by putting them back in the jar and even saves the very small pieces of cheese. Hillary supported the Cubs and when the White Sox came around the Yankees became her back up team. She was a girl scout and made many community projects to raise money for various things. She also had jobs throughout the summer and the school year. One summer she worked as a supervisor in a local park a few miles away from her house. Since her father left for work before she did she was forced to pull a cart with all the equiptment (bats,balls,gloves etc...) all the way to the park back and forth every day. Her father drilled her and made her learn how to do things herself even if it meant waking up a few hours before school so he could quiz her on the test material. Even though he was strict he always meant well. Hillary also learned how to stick up for herself but suprisingly not by her father. Her mother taught her this after noticing how Hillary would run inside crying quickly after first going outside to play. Her mother said to her "Go back out there and if Suzy hits you, you have my premission to hit her back". I guess Hillary did this because moments later she came inside saying "i can play with the boys now and Suzy will be my freind!". Hillary's childhood started her life out in a very positive way due to her encouraging parents.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Oddsyus could be considered a hero of modern times. Heros in our time lie to find out what they need or to conceal there identity so they are not killed or hurt in the proccess of their being a hero. Most heros have a secret identity just like when oddsyus hides his identity so no one knows who he is when he is trying to find a place to stay. Lieing is a major part in a heros life. Also heros tend to kill people while defending their home like how batman and spiderman allways kill their ennamys so they dont have to deal with them again. Killing the bad guys allso helps out the community because after the bad guys are dead or put in jail they cant harm anyone any more. So yes oddsyus could be considered a modern day hero if he lived at this time.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mcains decision to go back to washington
Yesterday McCain made a startling announcement. Hes pausing his candidacy to go back to Washington and help out with our recent economic disaster. I think that McCain is doing the right thing considering he has the power to help Bush make a decision about holding an emergency congress meeting. By holding this meeting they could make a decision about what they should do to help our economy. On the other hand Obama has decided that he will be there tonight for the debate McCain or no McCain. Obama has made the decision not to go back and help out with or economy but to stay and continue his running for president. Personally i think that since our economy is going down fast considering most of the financial companies have gone bankrupt, Obama should also stop his candidacy for a short time and go help out with this new disaster.
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