Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hillary C !!!!!! :)

The book I'm reading is called Living History by Hillary Clinton. So far in this book i have read about her interesting family history. I learned that her parents were just a normal middle class family living in Chicago. Her mom Dorothy was born in Chicago in 1919 her father was a firefighter and her mother was a housewife. Dorothy's mother Della abandond Dorothy when she was 2-3 years old sending her to California to live with her grandparents who were crazy. Dorothy's Grandfather left her with her grandma who didn't let her do anything like hang out with friends or even go out. One time when Dorothy was caught trick-or-treating with some of her school freinds she was locked up in her room for a whole year not allowed to do anything but go to school. She wasn't even allowed to eat in the kitchen she had to stay by herself in her room. This was stopped by Emma's sister when she came to visit them one time. Dorothy stayed in California for ten years never seeing or hearing from her mother and father. Dorothy could no longer stand to live with Emma so she found a job as a live in babysitter and only had to pay 3 dollars a week for room and board as long as she helped out. When Dorothy graduated from high school she made plans to go to college in California. Della randomly spoke to her for the first time in 10 years asking her to go to Chicago and now that she had been remarried her new housband would pay for Dorothy to go to college in Chicago. This was a lie just to get Dorothy to help around the house. Dorothy got a job and a small apartment and payed for her own college. Later on in Dorothys life in Chicago she would meet her future housband (Hillarys father Hugh Rodham).
Hugh had a much simpler life then Dorothy. He grew up with both of his parents Hannah and Hugh Sr. Hannah was a very stubborn person. When Hillary's dad Hugh had hitched a ride on a horse drawn cart and a tractor hit into it crushing his legs she quickly rushed over to the hospital and when she found out that he was going to have his legs amputated she refused to let them do that. She rushed into the opperating room and forced them to call her brother in law. This saved Hughs legs and he thanks his Hannah for this. Hugh had an older and a younger brother. Russel the younger brother stayed with Hillary and her family for some time after Hugh found him trying to hang himself in his parents attic. Russel later died in a fire caused by a cigarette. Hugh later got a job selling drapery fabrics around the midwest. When Dorothy, Hillary's mother, was applying for a job as a clerk typist at a textile company she met Hugh and they later got married. Hillary is one of three kids she has 2 brothers. Her child hood was very interesting. Her father taught them to be very careful with their money and not waste things. Apparently, to this day Hillary still saves uneaten olives by putting them back in the jar and even saves the very small pieces of cheese. Hillary supported the Cubs and when the White Sox came around the Yankees became her back up team. She was a girl scout and made many community projects to raise money for various things. She also had jobs throughout the summer and the school year. One summer she worked as a supervisor in a local park a few miles away from her house. Since her father left for work before she did she was forced to pull a cart with all the equiptment (bats,balls,gloves etc...) all the way to the park back and forth every day. Her father drilled her and made her learn how to do things herself even if it meant waking up a few hours before school so he could quiz her on the test material. Even though he was strict he always meant well. Hillary also learned how to stick up for herself but suprisingly not by her father. Her mother taught her this after noticing how Hillary would run inside crying quickly after first going outside to play. Her mother said to her "Go back out there and if Suzy hits you, you have my premission to hit her back". I guess Hillary did this because moments later she came inside saying "i can play with the boys now and Suzy will be my freind!". Hillary's childhood started her life out in a very positive way due to her encouraging parents.

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