Sunday, March 1, 2009

Indian Culture

Brockman, Joshua. "ARTS IN AMERICA; Weekend for Indian Artists to Get Their Business Done". August 22, 2002. March 1, 2009. <>.

In this article the author tells about how early Saturday morning, many collectors who had stayed up all night near the booths given to popular Indian artists that they like. Were waiting patiently and excitedly while they were holding their place in line at the Indian Market. Many people apparently wait up to a few days to go to the market. The Indian Market gets its name because it is a large market that sells Indian art outside in booths around many different city's plazas for two days, but it has become over the years a week long celebration of Indian culture with many museum exhibits, benefit auctions, gallery openings, music and a film festival.
The Indian Market, started in 1922, it was made by the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts. The market has up to 80,000 people who go and see the are. Some even spend millions of dollars on the art. Many of the Indian artists Profits from these few days, supports them for the rest of the year. This is just like the crafts fair we have in Edina during the summer except i think the Indian artists probably make a lot more money then the Edina ones.

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